Markherb Reference Compounds are a list of natural phytochemicals purified from Indonesian medicinal plants. The reference compounds are used as materials for laboratory purposes including analysis, research and development, activity assays in field of pharmaceuticals, food, nutraceuticals, biology, agronomy, plant protection, metabolomics, flavors and fragrances, cosmeceuticals, etc. Proof of quality is provided with the certificate of analysis consisting of purity measurement with HPTLC, HPLC or GC and structure confirmation with UV, IR, MS and/or NMR spectra. We also provide additional information of our products including bioactivities of each compound cited from scientific literatures as well as the MSDS document. Our products have been used by academics, researchers, industrial and regulatory bodies working on plants and herbal products. All materials can be purchased through our webshop. Markherb’s scientists are working continuously in improving the separation technologies to complete our range of available products.
